WhiteGold Properties Website Design

In 2022, a joint venture between 7 Days Creation and Divyesh Patel ( WhiteGold Properties Founder ) led to the conceptualization of India’s premier property listing website,

WhiteGold Properties. Recognizing the absence of leading property listing platforms in India, we embarked on extensive research to develop a website with unique features tailored to the Indian property market. After meticulous deliberation, we finalized the name “WhiteGold.Properties” for our platform. Following the domain registration, we commenced the concept design phase using Figma, culminating in the creation of a comprehensive plan for our unique property listing website after seven months of dedicated discussions.

The conceptualization of WhiteGold Properties aimed to fill a gap in the Indian property market by offering a platform with innovative features and user-friendly design. Leveraging our insights into the Indian real estate landscape, we meticulously crafted a concept that prioritized user experience and accessibility. Once the concept was finalized, we engaged INT Company to bring our vision to life, receiving full support in the development of both the website and mobile app. INT Company’s expertise not only ensured the realization of our concept but also enhanced its functionality and aesthetic appeal.

We invite you to visit WhiteGold Properties and extend your support in building India’s own premier property listing website. With your support, we aim to revolutionize the Indian real estate sector and provide users with a seamless platform for property transactions.

We thank you WhiteGold Team for there supports.

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